Bismillah, Rahman, Raheem
Peace be upon you, friends, I hope you are all doing well. In today’s Blog we talk about the power of the mind. Is our mind so powerful that it can cure or eliminate any kind of problem, disease, physical pain? There is power in our mind. Those who have been on this channel for a long time will believe this to be true with one hundred and ten percent certainty. That the mind really has so much power. Mind is with you, if you think to yourself, you are in so many problems, you are in so much over thinking, you are feeling negative, feeling bad, sitting in one place, doing nothing. So, who is the role in all this? You have given your mind false affirmations. You have filled your mind with telling yourself the wrong thing. So, are our affirmations so strong that if they can make our mind negative, why can’t they make it positive? So for that we have to resort to medicine. Or we have to take some more therapy’s. Or it will have to do everything. The greatest thought is a person’s own self, unless a person wants it, no power in the world can fix it. If you can’t fix yourself, remember, no one is going to fix you. One can understand you but cannot heal you, cannot make you act. The same thing, there are people around us in my relationships. I can tell people I can’t heal people. People who approach me, through coaching or through any medium, through video, say the same thing, Sir, please heal us. I can’t fix anyone. I can give directions, by giving directions man will act. And he will be fine. If you talk about brain power, I have dozens of stories to tell you. That mind actually we have read in books, that mind can do many things. I have many incidents that have happened to me recently. Just recently, my son developed a fever of 103. The fever was so high that I panicked a lot. Very worried. I was very panicked and worried if the child had a fever or was sick before. Me and his mother used to cry the whole night, sitting on the prayer floor, we used to pray to Allah Almighty for his life. The main reason is that this child, who is my eldest son, since he got sick, since he was born, he has had a lot of loose motions. Bloody motions were not common. And there were so many that the first seven or eight days that used to happen, were very much his critical situation. And they were very worried. And his mother, it was our first child so we didn’t have any idea as such, what should we do? How to do it? Every time this child got sick, my hands and feet would swell, my heart would beat very fast, this was the same with his mother, we both had the same. But now that I’ve indulged myself a bit, I’ve pretty much cut back on those things. Almost, 20 percent remained. Now it is obvious, having children causes pain and suffering. Now when he got fever at 103 checked at home it was at 103. And in a lot of trouble, not too much, but to a certain extent I was worried. Panic happened, I took it to the nearest doctor, the doctor I wanted to go to was not here, the doctor was in a foreign country. He is my friend so quite good acquaintance with him quite good relationship with him. And is a great child specialist. But they weren’t here. I got a referral from a doctor here and took him to him. I have a habit of questioning what’s a little bit when I’m carried away. I do it because it is very important to satisfy me. So, regarding his fever, I asked this doctor, asked a couple of questions. So, on which one or two questions, he did not give any sufficient answer. But I asked a question, Dr. Sir, this sick person, this one who got sick, God willing, there is no danger, God willing, there is no COVID or anything like that. There is no normal temperature, he said, and if he did, the things he said were a little disturbing to me. The only thing they did a lot, the last one, which was the line was very painful. That was, he said, that if the fever had a lot of stomach pain or vomiting, it was very dangerous. He said two or three more things. But when I heard those words, I became more myself. Obviously, this son of mine doesn’t get sick easily and when he does, it gets worse. The disease goes on as it is. And my family has a big anxiety problem anyway. They get worried about little things