Religious OCD

Thoughts About Religion By Kamran Sharif
if you have some wrong ideas about religion or about ALLAH or about religion in any other way. Those thoughts are such that you can’t tell anyone to me, but you can hint to someone that I have the opposite thoughts about religion. So the person will first tell you that your faith is very weak. You are very close to disbelief, you are about to disbelieve. Heaven forbid, how are you talking? You must strengthen your religion and your faith. If you ask this servant how to strengthen my religion and faith, he will tell you to recite Astaghfirullah. Remember Allah. When you say that I want to remember ALLAH often. But when I try to remember, the opposite thoughts come to my mind. I pray, thoughts come while praying. I read the Qur’an. While reading the Qur’an, thoughts

Religious OCD By Kamran Sharif

Negative Thoughts About Religion

Bismillah, Rahman, Raheem

Peace be upon you, friends, I hope you are all doing well.  It is very easy for us to call a person crazy.  And it is even easier to call someone a disbeliever.  Imposing a fatwa of disbelief on someone if you have some wrong ideas about religion or about ALLAH or about religion in any other way.  Those thoughts are such that you can’t tell anyone to me, but you can hint to someone that I have the opposite thoughts about religion.  So the person will first tell you that your faith is very weak.  You are very close to disbelief, you are about to disbelieve. Heaven forbid, how are you talking?  You must strengthen your religion and your faith.  If you ask this servant how to strengthen my religion and faith, he will tell you to recite Astaghfirullah.  Remember Allah.  When you say that I want to remember ALLAH often.  But when I try to remember, the opposite thoughts come to my mind.  I pray, thoughts come while praying.  I read the Qur’an. While reading the Qur’an, thoughts come to me upside down.  I cannot go to the mosque.  I can’t do any work.  So at first he will explain to you and secondly he will first say that you are very close to disbelief.  Maybe you have become a disbeliever inside.  Because such thoughts come only to a disbeliever.  This is not the truth about your religion.  It is important to know the truth, it is called religious OCD. What is religious OCD?  In this, a person gets a wrong idea about religion. In this video, I will share my life story with you.  Hardly anyone can experience this thing as much as I did.  This one thing made me cry so much that it was the most I ever cried in my life.  Because I was born in a very religious family from the beginning.  And my grooming was such, that I had a lot of attachment to religion.  I used to run an online academy.  Used to run Online Quran Academy.  So one day I had a very strange idea about my religion.  I became troubled by these thoughts, so troubled, that I tried to shake them off again and again.  He used to try to stop them again and again, he got worried about them.  Because of this, it became more and more of me, that I, now unwillingly, consulted a scholar.  I told him I get such thoughts.  What should I do.  He was a good scholar.  He listened to me carefully and he told me that son you should recite Astaghfirullah.  This will stop your thoughts.  I started reading astaghfar a lot.  I started asking for forgiveness a lot.  But the thoughts didn’t stop, now when the thoughts didn’t stop, I got more and more worried.  I thought I had become an unbeliever.  My faith is lost.  And there is no religion left in me.  I have no love and closeness left for religion.  I don’t know what action is not liked that is causing all this to happen to me. I started cooking this one idea inside me.  This one thought led me, after some time, to end my online Quran Academy.  Which was going very well and very well.  When you have negativity inside you, it automatically comes out.  Automatically things start to express themselves.  What goes on inside you, it automatically spreads in the environment.  As the fragrance spreads.  This is how it spreads.  Little by little, it wore

Religious OCD(Mazab Kay Weham) By Kamran Sharif In Urdu Hindi

me down, then my academy.  Then I lost the habit of going to the mosque.  I lost the habit of praying at home.  When I used to think about religion and pray, the opposite thoughts came to me.  When there was a call to prayer, thoughts were reversed.  When I used to pray, my thoughts were upside down.  These thoughts were bothering me so much, that I was very worried about them.  I could not go to the mosque, I could not pray, I closed the Quran Academy.  This thing lasted a long time with me.  And this one thing gave me a whole thought pattern that I am now out of religion.  And someone used to pray in front of me, you were my heart desire, that I would also pray.  But there were thoughts coming from inside, which grabbed me and did not allow me to read.  Couldn’t understand these questions.  I could not understand these matters.  That this has been happening to me long after I started working on myself.  Started repairing my mindset, started rewinding.  Then I observed that the big things were, which actually if you research on it, you will find videos of different kinds of scholars on YouTube.  The first thing is that you should be happy that you have faith. It means devil is your enemy.  That is why he is scaring you, misleading you, he is taking away your faith.  He wants to take these things away from you by force.  What you have.  Why would he scare you if you become his?  Why would he talk bad things about you?  What do you mean, you are his enemy?  The first thing is that you are going to the right.  Celebrate this.  Work out how much this one thing will motivate you.  And don’t ask for forgiveness.  Astaghfar, what mistake did I make, meaning what mistake did I make?

There is thought, there is hold in thought.  If I think something about religion, talk about my religion, that is my thinking, that is what I will do.  Yes, what I am not doing now is my opinion, so the catch in Islam is not about the whispers of thoughts.  Let the thought come to mind.  Let it go.  You smile, you chill.  And be thankful, that thanks be to Allah, I have faith in me.  So this devil’s child is trying to rip it out of me.  Now see how much more relaxed you become.  When you celebrate yourself, because when you’re upset, I’m not saying don’t apologize.  But don’t think that I am doing something wrong.  Man, we are not doing anything wrong.  Whenever you think next that I am doing something wrong.  So it’s mean you will be worried.  And you’re going to run into something huge by worrying.  Anxiety is when our mind overthinks.  Our brain is overworked.  Our mind associates more things with other things.  And that which binds all things together creates that thing.  That is, we should not run a fearful thought pattern.  So better is this, let him go, we have no fault in him.  Whatever is coming, let it come.  And celebrate, that Allah is grateful to you.  I am one of your servants.  This devil is attacking me all over.  I need your help.  I want your side.  He also asked for help.  Ask for his support.  He will give.  Because you are on his way. Don’t give up, you don’t have to panic, it comes to big people, it bothers big people.  I have thousands of stories that people stopped going to the mosque because of it.  Stop praying.  Stopped reading Quran.  I don’t know what condition I got myself into.  It is a satanic attack due to only one devil and it is not our fault.  It is not our fault.  Rather, there is a reward for us from Allah that we are praying in so many problems even in such trouble.  Remembering Allah.  So Allah will reward us more in return.  ALLAH Ta’ala will reward more of these things in return.  Because we are not like ordinary people.  You don’t have experience.  These things have experience.  ALLAH knows and indeed Allah is nearer than our aorta.  ALLAH is closer to us than every year.  ALLAH is closer to everything than our thoughts and thoughts.  He loves us, so Satan wants to break the love of ALLAH and our love.  So be proud of the fact that the love of ALLAH is within you.  What the devil is trying to take away from you.  So he is taking away the love of ALLAH from you.  And failing.  I made a mistake, I was stupid.  Unknowingly, I followed him.  But thanks to ALLAH, after a long time I realized that I was wrong.  I understood a thought pattern in my thinking.  There is a difference between thought and thoughtThought is your thought.  what you think  Thought is something that is not under your control.  Let what is coming come.  Your thinking will become positive.  Your thoughts will automatically become positive.  Ideas depend on your thinking.  Right now your thinking is fearful, you are afraid that you don’t know what will happen. What won’t happen?  Nothing will happen.  Don’t act and react.  Let what comes come.  Be happy.  Thank God.  Thanks To ALLAH, I am happy.  ALLAH is your grace, I am happy.  I am happy I have religion.  And I am glad that I have a servant coming, a devil coming to steal what can never be stolen.  He is the protector of me, so what can Satan do to me?  The biggest product you have is yourself.  Invest in it.  Invest time, invest money, invest happiness, invest positivity.  See what can happen.  I hope this Blog will be of great help to those of you who are suffering from religious OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  If you have someone like that, please forward this video to him.  To help him as much as possible.  Will take good care of you. Remember me in prayers.  See you in another video with another topic. Peace be upon you, Allah Hafiz


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