you will Be happy otherwise it will keep you in track because it is an unbridled horse if it keeps running like it does it will keep you going you sit on it conquer life conquer life get success today If you live, take it to one million, then go. Allah Almighty has ordered patience and gratitude, but it is not like that you should be happy for 10000, brother, think of the life to come, think of the children, think of the future, what if you have more then you should share it with others, not that you were born to eat on your own, not in this world. Life is the opposite my brother so there will be problems in life so peace is only in the grave there will be only about actions then these are the things you should come to deal with your problems here I give you a small Let me tell you the incident on the basis of which the magical formula was made. So how was it invented? Wireless race was an American engineer and he worked for a company that was the first project that he got a project to invent gases kits gass machine in a company. What has to be done is that what was agreed in this agreement, did they read everything, sign it, was it a million dollar project, did they do everything, when it was installed, after the company had a lot of money. Faced with problems, called the boss, when this guy got a call, this guy found out that the things I had installed were not working fast, so this guy got worried. What happens is your hunger, sleep, peace, everything ends, the fun ends, the same thing happened to this man and his life started to go on that it started to bother him. One day he thought that Man, what is the problem that is bothering me so much? The reason for the risk is yes that my name may be damaged in the company or I may not get any project but on the contrary I am not going to have any loss of life. What will be the worst, secondly, he accepted the worst of the worst, thirdly, he tried to make the best of the worst. As he tried to do his best, he realized, “Man, if I put a few thousand more dollars into it, and these things that are bothering me, I can improve these things, I can solve this problem.” That’s what he invested a few thousand dollars and eliminated the problem that was or it will be his. What is it that when we look at the problem, we don’t look at the solution, it is not our problem, it is the problem of our mind, the programming of our mind is such that it works on a focus. This is how the brain works. If you show it problems, it will see problems. If you lead it to solutions, it will not show you solutions. I will keep telling you that we take knowledge of everything, but if we don’t, we don’t take knowledge of our own mind. Yes, we don’t have time for anything. Model for yourself If you don’t make the biggest investment in yourself, then who will you make? Worries bigger than bad can’t shake you, these will be problems in the life of confirmed things, so write it down, there is no one like me who can say that I have no problems in my life, everyone has problems in their life, but these problems How will you deal? How you will handle them is up to you, there is a bigger problem to come, may Allah prevent any problem in anyone’s life, but those who are pampered have a different problem. I say there is a child who is very beautiful and the witch falls in love with him. No, I was not even beautiful. Even if there is no problem, I feel sad. Why is my Lord angry with me? No trials are coming for me. There will be no problems. It is said that I am not worried. I am not worried. I am not worried. I am not worried. I am not worried. Then I must say that no problem can disturb you, dog and when anything So I will not be able to disturb you, that thing will not be able to move you. The science of the mind is not yet understood by science, but it works the way you want to work with it, it is in your power, it is in your control. I am. Keep it under your control. If you keep it under your control, you will be happy. When it goes out of your control, then it will ruin you. It will destroy you. It will take you to the mouth of death. He will introduce diseases that will not even appear in the test report. My every report was clear. There was nothing. I didn’t even know. When the mind is disturbed, it disturbs everything, and when the mind is disturbed, it is disturbed. When you allow it enough to disturb you. So it becomes disturbing that when my master has no solution, where should I go, whose door should I knock on? I will show you the way, believe me or you will become such a good student that you will conquer the world with it. Those who will have gone will be the people who will watch this entire video. Today we give knowledge for free and people are not going to take it. We did not know how much to get this Nawaz. No one can understand anything until there is no pain associated with it. May Allah make it easy for all of us and keep us all happy. But there will be happiness all the time. It is not necessary. There will be sorrow all the time. It is necessary. No, be happy in life. May God bless everyone’s life. I will remember you in prayers. I will take care of you. See you in another video for another topic. Assalam Alaikum Allah Hafiz