It’s not like you have one side and you Let it go and say, man, nothing happens and it will get better with time, nothing gets better with time, fixing makes people better. Let me share with you a story of my own making. One day I was sitting eating meat. The fear became a virtue that whenever I eat mutton my stomach will get upset, then I stopped eating sweets. I didn’t eat mutton for a long time. If I keep doing it, then he went away from mutton, then he went away from milk, then he came to chicken, then he came to different vegetables. I thought, man, if these things continue like this, then I won’t be able to take all the slow-eating things, which are proteins, which are nutrients, which are essential for the body. What did I do or before that, let me tell you the logic. First, I had an experience with him. With this experience, I added a sense of mine. On got bad and then my result also got bad then my belief system became that every time I looked at milk I would get stomach upset just by looking at it. I also tried to change it. Alhamdulillah I succeeded. First thing, it’s not something you can’t control by yourself. You can do anything in the world. Mind is a very powerful thing. Allah Almighty has blessed us with a great thing. We just don’t know its importance. We don’t know its worth. We don’t know that. What can we do? We have always seen ourselves paralyzed. I can’t do this. I can’t do that. As you can train, this is the train I am running in which I am teaching you to change the meaning, how to change the meaning in your life, how to change big things by changing mangoes. Life is all about meaning. We human beings are called meaning making machine. Maybe it is not so, then we have the talent for ourselves that we can make any person bad for us and we can make any bad person good for us. In the same way, any vegetable is good. All the vegetables made by Allah are good. All the flowers made by Allah are good. All the colors made by Allah are good. Everything is good. The mistake is only in our thinking. If meninges are broken, how do I reduce this? The first thing I say in every video is the first thing is to get better sleep. The second thing is food. The third thing is exercise. Walk and running. The fourth thing is positive affirmations. I need some kind of food. First, write down all your phobias in one place, make a list of which food phobias I have and those phobias create an image in your mind and that image is negative. Negative images are to be made positive by visualization. Affirmations are to be repeated to yourself. I will eat. I will eat. Whatever you are afraid of. First one bite, then the second bite, then the third bite. There will come a time when the thing used to make you panic, now you will eat the same thing. This whole game is our thinking state of mind which we have made our belief system has become we have made it ourselves we have to change it and to change it I have told these things and now Let’s talk about how the visualization should be. First start with the specific food that caused your phobia. Now consciously say to yourself, I like that food. I can eat that food. That food is very good for me. I wasn’t afraid of it. Maybe once I ate it, I wouldn’t have passed out after that. Yes, after that you should take a walk, try to eat that and go for a walk and watch yourself. Whatever happens today, I watch whatever happens. I have been in the challenge. Any ideas, give you the option of fight flight and freeze. Well, if you have a fighting nature, then you should fight. If you think that no, I can’t do it, then you should smile and face it. You have to keep smiling with a smiling face. What will happen will be seen and if you are of a fighting nature then somewhere will be seen what will happen will be seen. Even then, you have to say, “It’s okay, next time will be better. Just like you made a bad experience with yourself. Now you make yourself a good experience.” Show yourself how to lead yourself to a good experience Visualization How to close your eyes Breathing through your nose Why let go With his face With a smiling face What makes you feel bad is what you are eating What you think I can’t eat, I will get sick if I eat it. You are eating the same with a smiling face very nice very good very good you have to do this daily for 3 to 7 days then after that you take one bite then you start with two bites then start with three slowly you