Fear Of Death

Fear Of Death By Kamran sharif
fear of death death phobia anxiety depression stress kamran sharif life coach mind trainer motivational speaker

Fear Of Death Death Phobia

Or Death Anxiety BY Kamran Sharif

Bismillah, Rahman, Raheem

Peace be upon you, friends, I hope you are all doing well.  In today’s Blog, I am going to write about my fear of death, it is not a very old thing, it is a recent thing.  And it was a few days ago.  My fear of death was so much earlier that if I heard of someone’s death, or an image of death came to my mind, or an image of death came to my mind, then I would be worried for many days.  I didn’t eat, I was afraid.  And a thought kept swirling inside.  I’m going to die, I’m going to die, and this thing used to scare me so much that I would panic so much that I would have panic attacks a lot.  These are the things I worked on and after working I got great results Alhamdulillah.  And there was a time when I couldn’t go to someone’s dead body.  I couldn’t go to someone’s funeral, I used to apologize to everyone, that I didn’t go to the funeral but obviously you have to face a lot of things that you will ever hear about someone’s death.  .  Never about anyone because this matters life.  You cannot stop even if you want to.  You can’t turn off the announcement in the mosque because I used to panic a lot when there was an announcement in the mosque.  I used to panic so much that I didn’t go out, there were so many things going on inside me.  If I think I can eliminate all these things.  I can reduce the reason to end all these things, if every human being in the world can reduce himself.  When you have a GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder, various psychiatrists tell you that the medication you are receiving is for the rest of your life.  If you’ve been on Antideparresents for the rest of your life.  Or it would be better if the whole life comes to myself, or to those I speak to.  I think it is more beneficial for you.  Because if you turn to Antideparresents, it will cure you of more than one thing.  So ten things will further spoil you. Recently my young friend died and I could not imagine that my friend will leave this world so soon.  I got a call.  When the call came, I came to know that this is how he had a heart attack.  And at this hour is the funeral prayer.  And when I spoke to his cousin, wanted to know more, he said there was nothing.  There were no such symptoms, just sudden death.  Sudden heart attack.  They were taken to the hospital.  And this man died.  Now the young friend is a friend of your own age.  You fear of death how dangerous that situation can be.  You cannot explain it to people who do not understand this condition.  And those who have an idea can understand how dangerous this situation is.  For a man, that alone is enough to make him panic.  I panicked a bit.  But not too much.  But if it happened before then, I would never go to anyone’s funeral.  It’s not like I didn’t go on purpose. I just couldn’t go.  I could not go.  So much has built up inside me, that I just can’t do it.  And I couldn’t sleep the whole night when I listened.  Every time I used to hear about someone’s funeral prayer or hear an announcement about a dead person, I would not sleep the whole night, keep crying, keep being afraid.  Remembering the events of my brother, remembering the events of my father, the face of my sister kept wandering in front of me, thinking that I was going to go too.  I’m going to go.  I’m just going to die.  Because of this one thing, all my obsessions became more. Panic attacks were more frequent.  It was too much.  But the situation that existed now was very rare. At most 5 to 6 percent was at this time.  So I thought that I would go to his funeral after Asar prayer. I prepared everything as it was.  Time was also managed.  And I took my other friend along. And we left. When we went there I could not shoulder the deceased.  I shouldered the deceased and we carried him.  When we read the funeral prayer, when everyone looked at each other’s faces, my friend insisted to me that he was our friend.  It’s, it’s, now when I saw his face, it was a very triggered point for me.  It triggered everything in me.  After that I went into shortness of breath for a long time I had a big problem in breathing.  But at that time there were many people.  And I had friends around, I managed myself with friends.  But I found that there was a shock somewhere inside me.  Now become a mind trainer as much as you want.  Become a professional speaker as much as you want.  If someone says that we did not feel any shock, then he is lacking in sense.  And he is apathetic.  If there is a sense in it, there will be some small effect somewhere.  I had more impact because this friend had a very close friendship with me.  And we spent a lot of time together.  So I started coming into myself a little bit after that, started going out of scenarios.  I started getting brain fog gradually.  It started to grow up.  I couldn’t go much further.  Because after that our friends had a program that we have to go to a couple of places but I could not go.  I came back home.  It’s just recently, not too far away.  It must have been about 10 to 12 days and during that time I think I could not even make a video for two or three days.  But if the same thing happened before, it would take me months to heal myself.  I kept repeating this thing over and over in my mind for months or maybe more.  I left, I came home.  I came home.  I didn’t eat properly etc.  Could not eat.  When I heard about the death of the young man, when I saw it, when I slept or lay on the bed, my food was here.  A little I had eaten.  But here he was.  I was getting a lot of shortness of breath.  I used to close my eyes and his image would play in my mind.  Once the image ran, I didn’t stop it.  Where were my mistakes?  Let me tell you the whole thing first.  Where did I go wrong?  Because it is a natural process, it happens naturally to man, man should learn from mistakes. I let his image run and an image of him ran in my mind, then with this image of my brother, of the people around me, of everyone who is my life.  And then his image started.  That I will go too.  There are small children.  What about Begum?  What about the house?  What will happen around here?  I started to panic more and more, I kept doing it, when one thought came, another would come, another would come, a third would come, a fourth would come, I was panicking so much that my body, my body, my body.  He was not supporting me to get up and perform ablution.  Courage, got up and prayed.  When I prayed, I realized that I was so much confused in my subconscious that I did not bring myself consciously.  It was a mistake I was making.  And to correct this one mistake I had practiced for so long, started the process.  Prayed and walked a little.  Went for a short walk. Before that, it was the entire Ramadan because I was not able to sleep at night.  He could not do any exercise during the entire Ramadan.  He was not able to exercise during the entire Ramadan.  Could not walk.  These are back end factors, if you ignore them, understand that whatever you do, you will never get the results that way.  They cover more than seventy percent of your area. I saw man I am not doing all these things so I started working now. I said I have spent the whole night going into the subconscious now I have to improve it.  One thing we don’t do, try to improve me, is confused, will remain confused.  Crying out to people to pray, help, help, not trying to save themselves.  I tried 15 to 20 minutes after Fajr prayer.  After fifteen to twenty minutes, endorphins were released in me.  Who give me  What does your body do that defines how strong you are?  And how weak is your fear?  I took a walk.  And then after the walk I gave myself positive affirmations.  I thought that I would also die.  This was the last thought that came into his counter, I gave myself an answer, what if I die?  Everyone has to die. Death is a fact of life.  Which is not today, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, not until now, I fear not death but my actions.  I have to work on my actions.  I have to make my actions righteous.  I gave myself two or four positive affirmations.  And I removed the negative image that was sitting in my mind.  Made this image black and white.  What made him  how did  With the same NLP technique, he closed his eyes and consciously saw his face.  And blur his image.  Made his image black and white.  He left my face or I started long breathing.  Start deep breathing.  When I started deep breathing, I became more conscious.  Too much I took control.  This whole procedure within a thirty minutes.  On one side it was the whole night and on the other side it was 30 minutes.  If it had been there before, it would never have taken thirty minutes, maybe even days.  To me, it used to take at least my entire six months.  In confusing this thing, it was thirty minutes of practice, it was three and a half years of practice, it brought him to thirty minutes.  One thing we must understand is that we who are sensitive will face these things throughout our lives.  We are sensitive, we have to change our habit.  We have to reduce our sensitivity. If you think that you will do it all, it is 30%, 70% is again routines that people are telling you.  There is only one thing on my channel that I have tried and adopted on my own.  Tried it on myself.  Despite all this, I do not force anyone to take coaching from me to do this or that.  I don’t need it, I just want that advice I have in trust and I deliver it in trust.  Now whoever will follow this, will do it, he will be fine.

People who are facing the fear of death, what to do now?  Whenever you hear any news, remember one thing, watch, if you panic too much.  Become restless.  Your legs are shaking.  Your body leaves your soul, leaves along.  You go out of mind.  Become blurred.  Become blank.  Your hands and feet become numb.  Your mouth becomes dry.  Yes, you have problem of deep breathing.  Shallow breath comes.  Very short of breath.  This is a very alarming situation for you, you have to understand.  In this situation you are not calling kami sir.  Calling Kamran Sahib.  And saying help us.  Sir help us.  How can anyone else help you when you have not helped yourself.  You will have to help yourself.  Our help cannot reach you right now.  Maybe, only through these videos, if you say that every person should be rescued, no one can rescue him until he rescues himself.  Now let me tell you what to do first if you come across these things.  The image of this person or this news is to be blurred.  Make it black and white.  How to do it?  For this our video on NLP is made.  How to remove bad images from your mind, subconscious mind? Also, in this video, I will give you the link in the description, so the second thing is that you give yourself positive affirmations.  What should be the positive affirmation according to this scenario?  You have to make a big fear very small.  I will die  What will happen if I die?  Everyone has to die. I will die, so what happened?  The world will still go on.  I fear not death but my actions.  And fearing death is a good thing.  One thing that you fear for yourself is a bad thing.  Make it better, the better it is for you, the more comfortable it will be for you.  In that time you can walk.  Walking is very important.  Walking releases endorphins, which play an important role in eliminating your stress hormones and fear hormones.  You can take a glass of water.  A glass of water will increase the amount of oxygen in your body.  And the amount of carbon dioxide will decrease.  That means your shortness of breath will improve.  Normalize yourself.  Calm yourself.  Make every effort to make yourself feel better.  Which we don’t and don’t have to try very hard.  Relax and keep yourself calm.  We have to work on this situation.  Now don’t go to this situation what we have to do is improve your diet first.  I always say work on your diet.  Improve diet.  And do it on time.  It is very important that you have a complete diet.  Serotonin rich foods are very important in food.  I also have videos on serotonin rich foods.  I am saying this with 100% certainty that people eat less.  Or don’t get enough calories, they get sick quickly.  Because their immune system is not strong like this.  Prioritize sleep in your life.  It is not that when the heart wanted to sleep, when the heart wanted to wake up.  Or don’t do it and sleep full time.  Sleep early and wake up early. Again this stuff is very good for your immunity.  Use full water.  And keep a positive mind.  See, the most important thing is to keep yourself positive.  That is, positive affirmations. Have you been giving yourself positive affirmations?  I can thank God, I am the best.  People with low self-esteem have the ability to catch more fear.  They catch fear quickly.  They develop qualities quickly.  Because they are afraid.  Be positive, keep calling yourself positive.  Exercise should be about forty minutes throughout your day.  It should be at least one hour.  Forty minutes to an hour.  Do anything at home.  Pick up some small weights at home and place them here and there.  Take it from there to here.  All you have to do is women can exercise sitting in the living room.  Rather, their housework is mostly their exercise.  Lift a small heavy weight.  Brother did not carry much weight.  Lift the weight and place it from here to there.  Do it ten to twenty times and your thirty to forty minutes will be complete.  Go ahead, people who can’t go to the gym can lift small weights at home.  Means can lift bricks.  Can do anything.  Walking is very important.  It is necessary to walk for at least two hours a day.  These are the things that will play a seventy percent role.  A girl told me that I was feeling so much better.  One day he said, then for the next seven days he didn’t walk at all.  Because I didn’t say it, Sir, that day you told me to walk, so I did it.  Then my heart didn’t do it.  Dude, no one’s heart does it.  Nobody does.  Neither does mine.  His heart makes him put so much effort.  Apply so much energy.  Prepare the script, do it, no one’s heart does it, no one’s heart does it.  And you are sleeping soundly.  It’s winter, you’re enjoying your sleep.  Not all of our hearts do.  Who wants to go out and earn money?  Bring home for wife and children.  It is difficult to do these things.  Why, for yourself, for your children, for the people around you. Now you do one day, two days, you benefit.  No one can tell you again and again that every day someone comes to you and tells you to get up and start coaching.  These problems are yours, these problems have to be solved on your own.  You have to get out of all of them.  And remember one thing, our experiences develop our belief system.  Understand this thing, it is a very subtle thing.  You hear of someone’s death, you panic 24 hours that whole day and night.  The next day too, the whole day and the whole night you were in panic for 24 hours.  Then the next day too, you were panicking all day and night 24 hours a day.  Now you will be afraid of these experiences from these days.  God willing, the news of someone’s death reached me again.  I hear about someone’s death or no death around me.  Now, unfortunately, if someone dies, you don’t have one, two or three days, this time it will be six days.  This time when it was six days, you were even more scared.  Next time you will pray, that no one dies, may God not let anyone die.  Or this, whatever you can pray, you will do to escape from this situation.  And the next day you will not be restless for six days.  Then the next time you will be twelve times, for eighteen days.  It will be for 30 days.  There will be many.  Then what you have to do for that is you have to find a lot of support around.  If you control the set before  Or control that third set.  So what is your belief system, how much stronger will this blue system be now?  The more power you require to change it.  It took me three and a half years to break this belief system.  But I didn’t have enough knowledge to crack it.  But thanks to Allah, in my

videos, I told all the things that came out of the things that if you also act, you can also break this barrier.  Allah breaks.  Allah breaks when man tries his best to break.  When a person walks with faith in himself.  Belief in yourself.  Believing in Allah, and believing in these videos is very important.  As long as you’re on my channel, for God’s sake don’t listen to anyone else’s.  Do not listen to the people around you.  You will get confused that every person will prove himself as the best to sell his product.  Make friends with Allah.  Befriending Allah will reduce your fear of death. Read the prayer.  Remember Allah often.  Recite Surah Rahman.  Do it yourself and listen to Qari Abdul Basit’s recitation.  He is the best.  It is the best therapy.  I listen to it every time I panic.  Don’t panic, I listen to it on a daily basis.  Makes me feel a lot more positive.  Your visualization is very important.  It is very important to visualize on a regular basis.  Your goal in life should be what do I want to do?  For what purpose has Allah given me life?  What is my purpose being accomplished?  Am I serving this purpose?  I’m not doing it, nor do I want to do it.  I have to accomplish this, this goal.  And most of the time we are not working towards that goal.  We are so wandering around that the same things are going on in our minds.  If these things continue, these things will continue to confuse us.  Positive mind set comes with its own positive mind set with positive affirmations.  And more comes from seeing the positive.  Look at the positive things.  Adopt positive community. Positive community, sit with positive people.  Create a positive home environment.  These things will make you more positive.  Use deep breathing on a regular basis. It is very important to do deep breathing once or twice a day.  I also have a video on it.  Give a little charity every day.  And those who have generalized anxiety disorder should start dealing with any of their problems on a regular basis.  Write down any negative thoughts you have on a regular basis.  See answer them.  Answer more than yourself.  I know you are very intelligent.  You can answer all your questions positively.  How to do it?  A sample formula is to separate yourself from whatever your thoughts are and think that it is someone else’s problem and you are advising them.  I know you are a very good advisor.  Are now giving more good advice.  But why not give yourself to others?  Because you get attached in this problem.  Detach yourself.  And think it’s someone else’s problem.  What will solve your problems?  I still say that people who are in G or d with generalized anxiety disorder don’t let it get too bad.  Brother will let it get too bad so you, like me get too humiliated in life.  Don’t be a godless person either.  That’s my prayer, before you get to that, it’s better, start working on it now.  And even now if you work on it, you will get a lot of benefits.  Let’s go ahead, give benefits to man.  But the problem is what we do one day we don’t do the next.  And even if they do it the next day with luck, they don’t do it the next day.  Then the next day they don’t do it at all.  And the name of doing it is life.  On the one hand, there are medicines that have to be taken for life.  And on the one hand, there are things that have to be done throughout life.  What to do?  Be positive about yourself. With a little practice, it will be difficult at first, but later it will become easier.  What is now being done in a day will be done in a minute.  Like, it will happen in a second.  Thus, everything will be done.  Over time, you just have to believe that your life is in your control.  You can make It good, if you made it bad, you can make it good.  Make every effort to make it good.  Will take great care of himself.  I will be remembered in prayers.  See you in another video with another topic. Assalam Alaikum Allah Hafiz


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