The chemical message that is carried from one neuron to another neuron is called a neurotransmitter. From one neuron to another neuron there is a gap in the synapse in between which is called synaptic gap. Inside this gap is this chemical. And these chemicals are called neurotransmitters. If there was something to be happy about, we should have been happy. But we were not happy as we should have been. We are rather sad, or something is not giving us happiness, or is giving us sadness, is giving us excitement, or we are getting too happy, or we are getting so happy that we are not happy enough. Should have If we are not happy like this, then actually our chemical imbalance is either it is going too much or it is going too little. So this entire process is called chemical embalming. Due to this chemical imbalance, our moods are greatly affected. Different neurotransmitters are responsible for this. That is, there are chemicals. So in today’s Blog we will discuss the topic. The chemical imbalance we will talk about is serotonin.