Antidepressants Never Start Early

Antidepressants Never Start Early By Kamran Sharif
Antidepressants Never Start Early By Kamran Sharif

Why We Never Start Antidepressants early By Kamran Sharif

ismillah Rahman Al Rahim Assalam Alaikum friends, I hope you all are doing well. Today’s Blog is very important for those who are in anxiety, depression or have any kind of problem.  And they are taking antidepressants and they are taking them but they are not having any effect.  Yes, but the problem is there, what should be done in such a situation, what should a person do in such a situation. what is antidepressants? antidepressants such medicines we use for the treatment of severe anxiety and major depression what is the mistake that a person is doing? The first thing is that you came to this Blog. Thank you.  I myself had anxiety and depression for about eight years. I took antidepressants for eight years. I decided to fight them.  No now it goes away in minutes I still get depressed sometimes  Anxiety and depression are a part of our life but they are reduced so much that they don’t hurt you.  I’m working as a life coach, I’m working as a professional Life Coach Mind Trainer, I’m working as a motivational speaker, so whatever in this Blog I will tell you things. You have to do them with 100% surety, you have to practice them first, if you don’t get success after doing them, then you can do another option.  He also followed my words and he reduced his suffering by ten percent.  What do we do? First understand this thing. Whenever we are in trouble with no one, we get into depression. We get into anxiety. We first go to medication.  We completely rely on antidepressants, that is, we think that these antidepressants will cure us or that the doctor with whom we went to liver will cure us, we don’t have to try on our own.  The guy was from India, he called me and his reference will be in our zoom meeting as well. This guy was 20,000 per month and his salary was 15,000 rupees.  I was spending 15,000 rupees every month on the doctor. If you have a salary of 20,000 rupees, what does he spend on 5,000 rupees?  But keep in mind this is a huge industry My friends are doctors, I have seen how much they have grown themselves in four years in the last two or three years and they earn crores of rupees per month.  We are ourselves why don’t we try ourselves why don’t we act on ourselves why don’t we try to change our lives I had a lady from UK she was taking a lot of antidepressants when she went to a

psychiatrist in the UK  He told them that you need counseling more than antidepressants, you need to talk to someone, someone to listen to your problem and solve it, try it yourself first, you are not trying and just  I was taking antidepressants, this was also a mistake. I used to take medicine in the morning. I took medicine in the afternoon.  Why do you think antidepressants will fix me? Why can’t you fix yourself now?  Your diet can’t heal you, can’t exercise heal you? How many ways have I told you how to balance your Brain Chemical?  This is a very great book in which the doctor explains that there are many chronic diseases or what seem to be life-threatening diseases, including cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, and liver problems, and many more.  There are problems that you can eliminate by changing your diet. If you fix your diet, you fix your exercise, you have many diseases that can be cured, this is my own analysis, but our misfortune is that we never believed our servant.  Don’t believe it.  I give the reference of the white guy, listen to him, read him, he has also done a lot of research and has done more research than us, so whoever does research here, who validates the research of this guy?  He is ridiculed, rather he is degraded to such an extent that he does not tell anyone.  People start killing him. This is Pakistan and this is what happens in Pakistan. People here think that they are living in a cave. Someone will go out and bring light. Three and a half years, four years when I said that  You can reduce your anxiety. There are many negative comments today. Different types of psychologists are saying these things. The channels are full. People are listening to them. Long ago, I used to say that these things are true.  Please invest in yourself because the most valuable thing is your own self. By changing your diet, you can heal yourself.  You can be fine now what will be your routine morning noon medicine night bypass medicine and medicine by yourself no effort no walk by yourself no diet by yourself you are not taking care of yourself you are not doing anything by yourself.  So how are you going to get better, is antidepressants alone going to get you better? Just think that this antidepressant alone can’t heal you, self immunity heals you, self-positivity heals you, self-belief heals you, the greatest in the whole world.  Strength is

Brain Chemical Imbalance

Brain Chemical Serotonin

Brain Chemical Dopamine

Brain Chemical Endorphins

Brain Chemical Imbalance By Kamran Sharif
Brain Chemical Serotonin By Kamran Sharif-Serotonin
Brain Chemical Dopamine
Brain Chemical Endorphins

your self-belief, your religious belief. From Dr. Joseph Murphy to Dr. Bruce Lipton, you can read any English doctor, they will all say the same thing that science is as strong as a person.  He is surprised that where science is enough, the relationship of a person with ALLAH is strengthened, then the person is able to solve even the biggest problems.  It was the one who got a disease like cancer, then he also fixed his belief system, so the mind is ours, it is our commands.  Let’s not try and come to the inbox and say help help help help us you can get us out if you come to me.  And I am just a coach. I am a professional coach. I will coach you only in paid services. Why am I making this Blog? I am making it for free so that you can try.  The money I get from giving the time I have to put into running this job will be paid if you buy my time. If you read my blogs then you must have to follow them and watch the video nothing is done by without action the first thing is to action then life will change you are taking antideparrent nothing matter  Don’t keep eating the first approach don’t take antideparrent first approach to understand your problem then try to deal with it if not by yourself then take help of someone take help of NLP neuro linguistic programming coach take help of psychologist  Get in touch with someone close to you who can listen to you and understand you about this problem, then invest in yourself, eat well, wear well, keep yourself positive.  Believe in yourself. Thank you To ALLAH. Every problem I have is smaller than mine. Believe in ALLAH. Believe in yourself. If you are on this Blog, believe on this Blog.  Have faith in this guy, no one made you out, you have to make yourself out, but if you do it yourself, you will keep yourself negative all day long.  Day will find bad things in themselves, then they will continue to show themselves bad things.  Why wait why start today take steps to change your life bro I know you can change so many people are changing. Watch my zoom meeting how I coped series. How many people you will meet. How many people changed their lives. Read the comments on my channel. Life doesn’t change with just words. Action changes are the first condition.  I am coming, do you know how many steps I have walked in the morning, how much I have walked, how much I have exercised, how much I have eaten less and how much I have eaten and I have said exactly that I have not eaten “Naan,Chaane,Pakoray,Samosay and Fast Food .  I didn’t eat “Naan pae” this is common Lahore breakfast I ate paratha and all these things I never ate curry made at night plain curd boiled egg and what was my simple breakfast eat only protein food  Brother, I will have the same thing as Dr. Michael Greger said that you should find the cure for every disease in your food, I will say the same thing, you should find the cure for every disease in your diet, find it in your diet or in your mind. work on yourself, take the first approach, keep yourself, friend, no one can fix you, if you are sad or hurt, if you come to me and want me to coach you then obviously I will charge for my time. My purpose is my ALLAH knows or I know that my purpose is only to heal you. My purpose is only to light a light in you that can change your life.  It will be beneficial that the prayer that will come out of your heart will give me a lot of peace in life, will give happiness in life, and will change my life because it is the law of nature that doing good for others is for that.  It does well And deal better with him, so you didn’t pay me for making these videos, no one gave me any money, yes, if we go to YouTube, YouTubers will give us money, but that too very little, but you  Understand that the big purpose behind it was to motivate you to take the first step to change your life change do something to change your life don’t think about tomorrow don’t think about today  Start with and comment below this video that started like this. May ALLAH make life easy for all of us. Take care of yourself. Remember me in your prayers. See you in another video with another topic. Assalamu Alaikum Allah Hafiz.


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